The title comes from an e-mail comment from Paula Cohen's brother David to us. The correct answer according to him is "Fresno". We are hoping to meet up with him soon, but just keep missing. His official title is "David A. Cohen, Ph.D., Senior Lecturer in Marketing, Chair and Dogsbody, Postgraduate Committee, Faculty of Commerce, Lincoln University". (We may perhaps be unworthy.)
I haven't really seen the Fresno side of things in Christchurch yet; it reminds me more of Ashland, OR. Remember, it is often described as more English than any current English town. Walking by the tree-lined banks of the river, past black swans,

the statues of Queen Victoria and Captain Cook, and the blocks of stately neo-gothic buildings is evidence of this.

I am trying to balance some work with touring. The "work" is mostly trying to get the hang of the nomenclature and social structure of medical practice while not impeding those actually working. Being here in particular I believe the medical establishment is more formal and hierarchical than in the rest of the country. There are more suits and ties than elsewhere. I have learned that in general they have less respect for American-trained doctors (too many multiple-choice exams and not enough grueling oral exam humiliations, I'm told).In fact, a large percentage of NZ medical students (over 50% I think) never pass the medical boards, and never end up "physicians", but end up as GP's, considered a lower life form. They do have respect for experience, so that helps. I have gone to some interesting rounds and clinics, but it is all very low key so far. It is giving me time to work through the large amount of orientation material I received in Timaru.
As to the touring, we visited the cathedral today, and I could not pass up the chance to climb the 134 steps up the spire.

Near-by are the Art Center, the Botanical Gardens,

the Art Museum, and 4 theaters (we saw a very good program of international short films tonight, and will catch up with Colin Firth and "A Single Man" tomorrow). Good work if you can get it.
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